Crowd1 positivity: Back to basics with Peter Jakobsson

3 min readOct 28, 2020


Among positive Crowd1 news and stories, we introduce to you this follow up episode of the series called Crowd1 positivity. The Crowd1 positivity series is dedicated to sharing business and motivational related content, in order to inspire your personal success.

When you start something new, a project, hobby, etc you are most likely going to begin at ground zero. This means that you will have to learn a lot in order to see the desired progress. Most successful people in the world have one thing in common when they start something new– they all set goals and work towards the specific goals because they know that achieving the goal will take them one step closer to tier final dream or destination. So Let’s go back to basics.

There are, of course, many traits and common denominators of the world’s most successful. However, studies have shown that almost everything with intention and a clear vision of the dream or desire. You need to have a major ‘why’ which will function as a driving force. When you find out ‘why,’ then the ‘how’ and the approach and necessary precautions will be easy to figure out. When it comes to goal-setting, it always comes down to five key areas where people need or want a change in their lives. Those five areas are:

1) Where and how they live

2) What kind of a car they drive

3) Travel and vacation

4) Finances

5) Family

Almost everyone on planet earth has a burning desire to change how they live their life. In some maybe they want to move from an apartment to a house, a house to a mansion, a one-car garage to a two or three-car garage, a run-down car to one that runs even if it’s cold outside, a regular car to a sports car. Some people want to travel the world, see places, and have the freedom to do whatever they want whenever they want. The common denominator of all people is that they want to become successful.

There is no universal definition of success and that is due to the fact that people have different definitions of success. Some consider money as a success while others value relationships and love. However, in order for you to achieve your personal success, you have to figure out your approach and take control of your dream.

‍”Either you take control of your life or someone else will.”

When people realize the power of having goals that give them the extra energy and inspiration to go from one success to another, they will get addicted to goal setting. Realizing that life will always move in the direction of the mind’s most dominant picture, people will be more careful about what they spend time thinking about. Either you take control of your life or someone else will. Either you put those pictures there, or you will let someone else decide what direction your life is going in.

It is never too late to start because there is no time limit on thinking. You are the captain of your ship, and you make the decision in what direction your life will go. Never forget that. Good luck and see you at the top.

You are not who you think you are. You are who you THINK you are!

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Written by Crowd1

Crowd1 is the next generation marketing network. We market websites, apps, and digital products through the usage of crowd marketing.

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