During July of 2020, Jonas Werner, the founder of Crowd1 was investigated by the Swedish Media outlets Svenska Dagbladet and Breakit.
Crowd1 was blamed for being a fraudulent business model, pyramid scam bluff, and a huge scam. In an article distributed in the Swedish news source “It-Kanalen”, Jonas Werner clarifies his vision with Crowd1 and restricts the contentions proposed in the scrutinisation.
The following medium article has been translated into English for crowd purposes.
“Jonas Werner: Crowd1 could be as extensive as Spotify”
Yourself and Crowd1 have gotten a great deal of analysis of late. How would you approach the analysis and concerns proposed by the Swedish news sources, and how can it feel to get this analysis?
- I have been in the systems administration industry for a very long time and I believe that the primary analysis proposed by these news sources is somewhat coordinated towards the business in general. Oriflame, Herbalife, and numerous different organizations with customary methods for showcasing have made similar excursions and gotten comparative cross-examinations and analyses that we are presently accepting. I wouldn’t fret being addressed, as long as it is done in a reasonable and good way. Lamentably, however, the analysis that we are right now managing has been halfway and has highlighted a ton of miss data, mistakes, and straight out falsehoods which clearly isn’t good. We were clearly perceptive of this through the different email discussions we had with the editors of the articles as they didn’t answer to our interests.
Do you think their depiction of your business and the business is right?
- No, they don’t comprehend the Crowd1 business, that is the reason they are continually reaching wrong determinations and attracting equals to different organizations with a dim past. Most global organizations today have some type of impetus for existing clients to prescribe and to subsidiary new clients to them, by for example offering them limits and different sorts of helpful prizes. Circle K, SAS, and American Express are only a couple of instances of organizations that are utilizing this system. We are truly simply doing likewise, nonetheless, much the same as Uber and Airbnb, we are doing it in another and progressive manner. We are the up and coming age of internet systems administration and we are unexpectedly opening up for one of the world’s biggest business sectors for many individuals to profit by, a market that was recently shut and just accessible for a modest bunch of huge global organizations, for example, Facebook, Google, and so on.
- In current occasions, a great many people on the planet go through a long time each day on the Internet without acquiring anything. They are continually making substance and building an incentive for only a couple of global organizations. With Crowd1, everybody will have an equivalent opportunity to bring in cash on their time on the web and make genuine incentives for themselves.
At that point clarify why your business isn’t a fraudulent business model and the contrasts among Crowd1 and a fraudulent business model?
- The short clarification is that a fraudulent business model is just about the cash. A game where the cash is moved upwards in the structure, that is the solid definition. With us, it doesn’t cost anything to turn into a part and you don’t bring in cash by including others into the Crowd1 people group. You bring in cash when your organization sells items. I have endeavored to convey this to the news sources, in any case, they have decided not to tune in. During the Crowd1 pre-dispatch, we have had a set number of items, however at any rate it has consistently been about the items. We would not have had the option to consent to the arrangements and make the courses of action that we are right now doing if these fascinating recommendations came to us a half year back. Since we are a great many individuals, we are accepting proposals from a few organizations, and now it is basically about picking the best items that suit our organization and our individuals.
What do you think the ineptitude and ignorance of organization deals are brought about by?
- Unfortunately, some unserious parties with the malignant aim are here and there pulled into the business which makes it hard for genuine organizations to make a long haul and supportable organizations. In the event that any media were to make a nonpartisan and unprejudiced article about web-based systems administration, there is an extraordinary chance that it would work as commercial and advancement for us. We are changing money related conditions and statuses around the globe, in any case, that doesn’t feature just as “fraudulent business model” and “trick” does.
How might it be conceivable that SvD and Breakit both misjudged the contrasts between a fraudulent business model and staggered showcasing?
- SvD and Breakit have effectively decided not to get and highlight the data we have given them, as this would invalidate their contentions and the negative portrayal of their article arrangement. Obviously, they had just chosen this portrayal and were not keen on pulling back from this.
- truth be told, I think the vast majority today have a decent gander at what a fraudulent business model is and what a genuine business is, accordingly, there is no compelling reason to try and attempt to impact the perusers on their previous perspectives.
How long have you been functioning with Network Sales?
- I have been working with systems administration for around 20 years. In 1999, when the telecom market was liberated in Sweden, I worked with an American telecom organization. The Swedish telecom organization Telia had an imposing business model on communication in Sweden, and now there are approximately 40 new players that immediately developed in the market. In one year we were the second biggest in Sweden after Telia. Individuals sold less expensive communication arrangements and got commissions on the phone bills of the individuals they subsidiary. Does that sound like a fraudulent business model to you?
What is your experience and how could you get into this sort of business?
- I learned at the college and when I previously came into contact with organizations and industry I saw the potential rapidly. Previously during secondary school, I ran my own organizations and have consistently had an affection for the enterprise.
What does the future resemble for Crowd1 and how has the analysis influenced you?
- The eventual fate of the Crowd1 development looks exceptionally splendid. I can barely accept the mind-blowing achievement that we have encountered, with just about 7 million individuals. However, actually, we are simply beginning.
- Spotify has a dream and objective to become one billion clients. I don’t perceive any reason why we can not accomplish similar outcomes. It might sound careless yet we are another certain organization and we flourish to give individuals everywhere on the world a chance to partake and to make their own an incentive on the planet’s biggest market.
- Covid-19 is sad in numerous viewpoints however only for business reasons, we have detonated. At the point when individuals had to remain at home, many understood that a versatile and locally established business that everybody can have in corresponding with their standard work is an ideal arrangement and to make safe individual funds without harming existing conditions.
What do your representatives, accomplices, and all salesmen in the association state about the cross-examination that you have as of late experienced?
- The analysis has just benefited us. On one hand, this will make us be perfectly clear on all focuses later on so as to keep away from misconceptions, and for me by and by, it is a chance to show that the business and our organization works and is fruitful.
- We are a tight group and we work and practically live respectively. In the event that you have seen the film about the Facebook startup, at that point you will comprehend what I am discussing. None of our representatives or accomplices had put that much energy, time, and duty into something they don’t trust in 100%.
- The inclination that “we will refute them” is really a significant and solid main thrust for each and every individual who plans to arrive at the top in any field. We try to continually advise and refresh individuals about what’s going on inside the organization. On the fourth of July, we have our second Crowd1 World Event where we will for around three hours give a large number of individuals from everywhere the world the Senate news and the presentation from the organization.
Crowd1 has gotten a ton of analysis even in different nations, what will be the exercises realized and what measures would you say you are intending to take so as to meet the analysis?
- We have a group in media relations who all are proficient, we will deal with the analysis in a right and educational way. I should concur that occasionally I get disappointed when it seems like writers and the news sources would even prefer not to see, however at long last, that is their concern, not our own.
On a worldwide scale, we mean to open neighborhood workplaces and select administration in more business sectors and societies so as to make a superior comprehension of our individuals and customers. Business culture shifts in various pieces of the world and in the vision of turning into a billion individuals overall we should act to be as near our individuals as could reasonably be expected.